Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blogging away with a cat on my lap

I've been thinking of blogging for awhile now and it seems like a good time. I'm an entertainment journalist for Sci Fi Wire and Sci Fi Magazine, both Syfy Channel publications.

It's a fun gig, cause I get to talk to television actors, writers and producers. However, I don't always get to give my opinion and some of my interviewing goes to waste because it doesn't fit into whatever we're doing at the time. So yes, you may get some quotes from the occasional well known sci fi television star or producer here at Kathie's Sci-Fi Drive By.

I'll be blogging here about whatever interests me and that includes television and movies, with a heavy emphasis on the sci fi of it all. My spelling may get creative and you'll just have to live with it.

I may go into other things of interest, such as the animal shelter I volunteer at (PAWS of Tinley Park). I'll make sure to title non-entertainment posts clearly so you can avoid them if you wish.

So you can expect 50% rambling, 25% opinionated bitch, and 25% quality spoilers and interviews. At least that's the plan for now. It may change since this is my blog and with no editor to make happy I'm likely to do whatever I damn well please.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere. We're not real articulate out here in fanboy-land, but let me say:

